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Paint Day!

Paint Day!

Paint Day!

Parents join us every week for our Paint Day in which we visit various art centers set up around the room: tempra paints, watercolors, cut and paste, and more! The entire process takes about an hour and a half: 15 minutes for Mr. Kohn to tell us what to do at each station, and then we are on our own! A parent is at each table to help out if we need it (but we usually can do it by ourselves!). There are 6 or 7 different art centers each Paint Day!

More Painting Fun!

More Painting Fun!

Look what we can do! Balloons with our names spelled out with beans, paper clowns, magic counting boxes, and more! Once we finish at one station, we look for an opening at another table. We know that we will have time to finish all of the activities, so if one table is too crowded we'll come back later.

Bird Houses!

Bird Houses!

Here we are making bird houses for Christmas presents (Shhh! Don't tell Mom or Dad!) A parent cut out the wood for us, but we hammered in the nails and painted the bird houses all by ourselves!

Circus Animals

Circus Animals

Here we are making "Triangle Zebras" and paint lions as part of our celebration of the circus.

Pink and Blue

Pink and Blue

We study the colors Pink and Blue by stamping out the words with sponge letters and tempra paint.

Insect Paint Day

Insect Paint Day

Here we are making butterfly wings that we can wear so we can fly home after school! Finally we get to use white paint! We are spinning our own spider webs.